Sensing Journeys

At a Glance: 

Sensing Journeys pull participants out of their daily routine and allow them to experience the organization, challenge, or system through the lens of different stakeholders. Sensing journeys bring participants to places, people, and experiences that are most relevant for the respective question they are working on.

These Learning Journeys allow participants to:

  • Move into unfamiliar environments
  • Immerse themselves in different contexts
  • Step into relevant experiences

To allow participants to break-through patterns of seeing and listening by stepping into a different and relevant perspective and experience. Sensing Journeys can also help build relationships with key stakeholders, and gain a system perspective.

Uses & Outcome:
  • Increased awareness of the different aspects of a system and their relationships.
  • Enhanced awareness of the different perspectives of the stakeholders and participants in the system.
  • Connections between stakeholders and participants.
  • Ideas for prototypes.

We propose Sensing Journeys for the following themes:

Reinventing Spirituality

Nous vous proposons de tisser de nouveaux liens avec d’autres personnes en transition, de partager votre connaissance et de faire circuler ce qui peut nourrir notre croissance individuelle et collective. La spiritualité peut probablement se manifester de nombreuses manières. Les religions sont certainement un véhicule privilégié pour se connecter à l’Essentiel. Mais il est urgent de faire tomber les murs qui se sont dressés entre nous et le ciel, de retrouver notre lien personnel à l’Essentiel, de reconsidérer la place des hiérarchies, d’oser offrir une place nouvelle à l’amour et à la vie. En somme, de réinventer la spiritualité.

We can select from 6 events planned for exploring the sensing journey experience together.
Christian/ Muslim mixed marriages association.
Modernity in Judaism with a Rabbi.
An afternoon of interreligious encounter.
An encounter with the Alevi Brussels community.
An encounter with a Buddhist monk.
Encounter with a Brussels Christian Hindu association.

Link to the website

Your host is Richard Verboomen,

Reinventing Food

Explore food and cooking as a mean to connect people from different cultures, languages and social classes

The central thema of the “Reinventing Food” Sensing Journey will be “Explore food and cooking as a mean to connect people from different cultures, languages and social classes”. First contacts are taken with people from Brussels acting in this field of exploration. (Collectactif, Bees-Coop, Disco Soupe,..). An ideation workshop on the Monday 15/10 evening has been planned by Daniel as leader of the Food Team.
The Food Team is still open for other participants from the Reinventing Brussels community or from outside.

Your host is Manuel Pueyo,

Reinventing Learning

Your host is Alessandra Satta,

Beyond Commuting

Changer de regard, changer de perspectives

Comment est-ce que notre déplacement urbain peut devenir une expérience qui contribue à diminuer notre stress ? Cette question semble paradoxale et pourtant…

Nous sommes des centaines de milliers à nous déplacer quotidiennement dans Bruxelles pour nous rendre entre autre au travail. Ce trajet est souvent considéré comme l’expression de la routine. Cependant, en changeant de regard, on change les perspectives. Rendre notre déplacement inspirant, voilà la question que l’on aborde dans ce groupe de travail.

Your host is Sebastien de Fooz,

Reinventing Finance

Explore our relation to finance and how to live differently in a world where everything is monetised

Your host is Vincent De Waele,


We invite you to join one of these groups or to propose a new Sensing Journey you would like to launch about a theme you’re interested in. Visit our page “Seeds of Brussels” to get an idea of initiatives that are changing the city!

These guides will help you organise your journeys: